FAQs (Frequently asked Questions)
Do you record Rap?
Of course, we are able to record everything, even a vocal group or a string quartet... There is however an important provision to know,especially for the instrumental music on which you will sing: If you want to record according to industry standards, your music must be recorded in wav format in 24 bits imperatively.
If you bring mp3?, OK but know that we will not be responsible for the sound quality of the product you are going to record and we will ask you not to advertise for the studiodulac.
If you download music from youtube without having paid the beatmaker, you will be in illegality and potentially subject to legal proceedings by the creator of the musical work that you have plundered.
For rappers who book for half a day only, a reservation of 100 euros will be payable by bank transfer 15 days before the session. The balance will be due at the end of the session before the recorded files are delivered.
there is also a special rapping tutorial on the Preparation tab to help you approach a recording session, Click here to find you there!
I just need to check in for a short hour only, what would be your rate?
This request is frequently expressed by rappers, advertising agencies or even reckless people who imagine that one hour is more than enough to record a 3 minute song...
The minimum is 4hours.
"We don't go to a starred restaurant like to a fast food restaurant".
It is therefore useful to know how a studio works to understand that the two services are of different natures...
A recording studio session requires some preparation time, we do not practice a "hello / good evening" type relationship, nor instant sound recording as sometimes we would ask a photographer to take our portrait in a photo booth !.
Small studios dedicated to "speak" equipped with a simple voice recording booth will certainly be more appropriate and much less expensive than us. We can recommend a studio in the area.
The studio therefore does not charge an hourly rate. The minimum time we can devote to a client is a 4-hour session, the same price as a motorized boat rental on Lake Annecy...

I rap, I would like to book the studio and invite friends?
For an independent rapper we accept that you are accompanied byone friend only, it is more fun for the experience and it can make you more efficient. On the other hand, the place is not a place to invite your friends it is a place where you work... so forget the idea of having fun with several people in this studio . We are strict on this.

I would like to record 8 titles how much will it cost me?
We are unable to answer your question without knowing your project, the number of instruments, musicians, etc.
The budget of your project will depend on the studio time that we will have to calculate.
To estimate this time, give us details of the tasks you will entrust to us.
Here are some examples:
Give us to hear your models, even recorded on a smartphone with a rotten sound, we need to know in which style you evolve, the number of instruments to record / mix, the technical difficulty of the whole. It is not up to us to judge your music but to predict the time it will take to record it and define how we will record it...
Have you ever recorded your voice? What is your level, do you have studio experience? An example: if you ask us to record your voice on 8 titles in 1 day, know that your voice will be completely HS after a while, so you will have to plan to record in several sessions, the calculation of the time to spend will therefore not be arithmetic in this case....
Someone who has no studio experience thinks they'll be able to record 3 guitar/voice tracks in a day...while a day might not be enough to record just one title without having had time for mixing and mastering! Trust us in the evaluation of the time to pass, our goal is not to play the clock but to serve you!
How many sources will there be to mix? Did you record all your beats yourself? Would you like additional musicians? ...
Would you like to benefit from the studio's equipment or do you plan to come with your own equipment? Describe your hardware...
And finally, if the quality of your sound is not excellent at home, do not ask us to copy / paste your work at home in the studio to save money because we will not be able to fix much to your sound ... (according to the famous adage: "sheet in => sheet out"). To create a good sound, you have to spend a certain amount of time there... and having the ad-hoc equipment, that's the raison d'être of the studio.
On the other hand, if you already come with your sound and you like it, the recording process will be faster...
So thank you for giving us as much information as possible about your project to allow us to evaluate your budget!.
For a group, how much time should we plan for the recording of our titles?
For a rock band, allow a day and a half per title, including mixing. It is an experience-based rule and it is easy to calculate.
Example: if you want to record 2 tracks, plan 3 days (2 days for recording and ½ day per track for le mixing).
Obviously, the time spent will not be the same if you come alone with your guitar or if you are planning sophisticated arrangements... This average is for a group « semi-pro_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_”, “ average ” experienced but wants to do a good job._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
=> For a well-prepared rapper or group of rappers: 2 or 3 titles in ½ day (i.e. a 4-hour session of vocals on a provided "soundtrack", mixing included)._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

And for a simple demo in order to get gigs with my group?
If you are ready to play live, we can:
1) you record all of a sudden, you will come away with a flat mix and the premaster. This formula can be suitable for a group that wants to realize its work after rehearsals and present its demo to find concerts... The 8-hour day can be broken down as follows: 3 hours to install and find your sound, 3 hours to record, 2 hours for mixing and finalization. There is a more comfortable version, it is the one day live challenge from 12 p.m.!
2) record all your rhythm parts on one side with a witness voice and in a second time, the main vocals, the choirs, the solos, which takes more time, etc. in this case, two titles will be a great maximum...
We can see here that the duration depends on your preparation, and that everything will depend on your ambition and your level of requirement: you will obtain lively music with its energy and its small defects or a professional production that leaves nothing to chance. … it's not the same budget you will agree.

I would like to offer my daughter / my son a studio session to make a demo for the TV show "the voice"
It is a session of 4 hours that you need to record a title and 6 hours if you want to record 2 titles.
Come with karaoke-type instrumental music that you will have previously downloaded from a specialized site, your session will be led by our sound engineer and the studio's producer / director.
We will advise on:
his rhythmic placement of vocals;
how he/she should interpret his/her song in terms of intonation;
the authenticity / sincerity of his voice, the emotional aspect that emerges from it;
and will ensure that he/she gives the best for his/her performance.!
How far in advance should I book?
Ideally, 2 to 3 months in advance. This sets a deadline for you and motivates you to prepare for the studio.
Otherwise, ask us the question, but know that if "it's for tomorrow" it won't be possible!.
Be Prepared? what does it consist of?
Check out our tab called under the heading "More" you will find everything you need to know to be ready. The sound engineer who will be chosen for the performance of your recording will call you to best prepare your session and will ask you the usual questions such as: what style of music do you play?, what materials will you take to studio?, what is the order of titles? (Begin with the easiest one...) Do you have printed texts, etc.
The mix: what does the sound engineer do?
Mixing is very much like cooking… If we were to compare this with culinary art, we could say that recording would be the phase of gathering and preparing the ingredients and mixing the cooking and presentation of the food. For the mixing, the sound engineer takes each of the instruments or groups of instruments and positions them in space, adds a little spice (EQ, Compression, effects) as well as his personal sauce to finally reduce all the tracks recorded in 2 tracks in stereo... which we will call:pre-master
The master; what is it?
There is a good file to download on the tab“Mixing”

Is it possible to sleep in the studio?
Yes, we have a low cost formula : 7 euros per night and per person.
Is it possible to park?
Yes, free, walled parking is available in our courtyard. We can accommodate a dozen vehicles and a truck full of equipment.
Is it possible to smoke in the studio?
Of course NOT, but you can relax outside in our summer lounge.
This is also where you can eat.
Is it possible to drink in the studio?
Yes but... because there is all the same a BUT: The studio is placed under the vigilance of the sound engineer and the owner who will take special care thatno one approaches the console with a beer or other liquid substance in hand. There are many occasions when we are not careful, we are not going to describe them to you here... So we want to be "cool" but in exchange, we expect our customers to have the greatest respect for the equipment. vintage present in the studio and ESPECIALLY special attention to the console. Apart from that, yes... you can drink beers on the sofa (he's not afraid anymore ;-) ), there are seats in the control room and even bottle racks on the floor ready to receive your drinks favourites.
Do you have WIFI?
Yes, you will be given the code when entering the studio. A small restriction however:
Navigation: YES
Download: NO (thanks for your understanding)

Where can we eat?
You are 5 minutes walk from a grocery store where you will find everything you want during opening hours. There are also restaurants accessible 5 minutes walk also in the center of the village.
How does it work for the payment of the sessions?
For ½ day or a day of recording, we ask for a payment at the entrance of the studio.
For a longer reservation,a deposit check or bank transfer about 30% of the budget is requested.(non-refundable in the event of a cancellation within one week of the scheduled check-in date). The service consists of two parts: a rental of furnished premises with equipment included as well as a registration service provided by a professional. You will therefore receive a rent receipt on the one hand, and an invoice issued by the sound engineer on the other hand. The price displayed on the "Rates" tab being the sum including tax of these two services which are independent.
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Pedagogical video for young and old...